Starting a Widows Sons Chapter here in Ohio is a relatively easy process. The Grand Chapter of Ohio, and other active chapters have already done all of the legwork, investigation, and such to run a chapter. Basically here is the process.
Once you are ready to start, you will need to assemble a minimum of 5 Master Masons who will serve as your starting group of officers.
You will conduct an organizational meeting. The purpose of this meeting will be to vote in officers, adopt a chapter name, and start a treasurer’s account. This is all preliminary structure and not official until approved by Ohio Grand Chapter. Also at this meeting you will review, and edit a set of bylaws for your chapter. A boilerplate bylaw template will be sent to you in advance, and your chapter will just amend items like names, dates, fees, etc.
When your proposed bylaws are edited. You will again meet to have all ‘charter’ members sign them, complete petitions, and submit fees to the Ohio Grand Chapter. There also is a new chapter request form to be completed.
Upon review and approval of the Ohio Grand Chapter you will be provided with additional information on vest and apparel, annual meetings and such. Also any other forms needed (i.e. petitions) will be provided in a template format that you would edit for your chapter.
Lastly, please note that your chapter may be started and approved with bylaws by the Ohio Grand Chapter with a minimum of 5 Master Masons, with motorcycles of 500 cc or larger. However the official charter is not issued to the chapter until 10 members join and assume the required officer positions of the chapter in addition to submitting the required fees.
A few last notes to consider when starting a Chapter – First please know our Grand Chapter President and other chapters will work with the new charter president and secretary to get you up and running quickly and smoothly. As stated above we have all the forms and information you need to run a chapter, they will just need a little editing for your use. We have vendors for materials, and official regalia, but sometimes there are additional fees to add your new chapter ‘set-up’ to the art library. Your core officers should be active Masons, and enthusiastic riders. The Charter members should be interested in working to making a chapter function, just being a good mason or a good biker does not mean they will be a good charter officer as there will be decisions made that effect chapter operations and membership for years to come. Lastly your new chapter will be expected to be active and have a lot of fun riding. The members should strenuously support our lodges, and the Chapter will always participate and support other Chapters undertakings.